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"Palacio Nacional" is where the Mexican president works. The place where he lives is called "Los Pinos".

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Q: What is Mexico's white house called?
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It is called the white house because it is painted white.

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The white house in Washington :)

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its white, what do you think? That's why its called The WHITE House. Obiously, Or OOFCOUSe it is WHITE

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The president. It was called the "president"s house".

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From left to right: red, white and green. The Mexican coat of arms is in the white, middle section.

Was the name of the White House ever the presidents house?

Yes it was once called 'the president's house' but Theodore Roosevelt changed it to the White house.

What is the name of the guest house in the white house and what color?

I am guessing that it is "The Guest House" or it could be the Little White House. lol It is called Blair House. The Trumans lived there while the White House was being refurbished. There is also a Trowbridge House for Former Presidents to live in while visiting.