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The heritage of Mexicans includes Indians or indigenous people, Spaniards, and Mestizos. The largest majority of Mexicans are Mestizos, which are a mix of the indigenous people and the Spaniards. About 80 percent of the population of Mexico is Mestizo.

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12y ago

Mexico is a very complex country, full of local, regional and national traditions. In a general sense, it is the result of mixing three cultures:

  • The Pre-Columbian culture, when Mexico's territory was home to native American civilizations that lived there until the 15th century. Of special importance are the Aztec and Mayan civilizations and their traditions such as corn planting and all the meals coming from such crop like pozole, tortillas, tamales and the like.
  • The Spanish culture, brought by Spanish conquistadores from 1521 at the Fall of Tenochtitlan until Mexican independence on the 19th century. Traditions include the language (Spanish), religion (Roman Catholicism) and many beliefs that became intermixed with the already existent Pre-Columbian culture. Some examples includeDia de los Muertos, the piñatas or the Three Kings Day.
  • The Mexican culture, which includes all traditions specific to Mexico after its independence.

The best example of this convolution of cultures is seen at the Plaza de las tres culturas in Mexico City. There, you can find the remains of Aztec temples flanked by the Santiago de Tlatelolco Catholic church, built in the 16th century and a massive housing complex built in 1964.

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