Exact figures are not available, but average humidity in Lithuania varies between about 75% and 84%.
For the last year or so the average relative humidity of Lithuania covered a large range from 56% to 93%.
Broken down by month and time-of-day it was October to February in the morning from 87% to 93% and from 79% to 88% in the evening. For March to June 75% to 89% mornings and 56% to 73% evenings. Finally July through September 80% to 89% mornings and 56% to 62% evenings.
Average annual precipitation varies from 850 mm (34 inches) on the Baltic coastal hills to less than 600 mm (24 inches) in the central lowlands. In case you were interested
Yes :D
average humidity is 60% in Tacoma.
Pork, potatoes, cereal, fruits, rice, pancakes...
this is the current humidity
Nashville Tennessee has an average humidity of 70% over the year.
Average Relative Humidity: Baton Rouge Relative Humidity (Morning) 89% Baton Rouge Relative Humidity (Afternoon) 62%
Average humidity on the Antarctic continent is less than five percent: it is a desert.
The country with the highest average humidity is Papua New Guinea, with an average humidity of around 85%. Other countries with high humidity levels include Paraguay and the Philippines.
To calculate the average of humidity and temperature combined, you would add the humidity and temperature values together and then divide by 2. This would give you the combined average value for both variables.
The average relative humidity on a rainy day would be closer to 100 percent humidity. Rain adds moisture to the air, increasing the humidity levels to near saturation point. This leads to a higher average relative humidity compared to a non-rainy day.
Lots of forests, paddocks, cropfields, several hills, but mainly plain.
The average annual humidity in Florida typically ranges from 70% to 75%. Humidity levels can vary based on the region within the state, with coastal areas experiencing higher humidity levels compared to inland areas.