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Korea is separated into two North and South Korea North Koreans are not able to travel different countries or people from different countries are not able to go to North Korea South Korea is just like other countries They cannot go to each other countries They cannot help, unite, or work together

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Q: What is Korea now?
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Korea is now divided into two states what are their names?

North Korea and South Korea

What is happening now in Korea?

Right now, even as I type, many people in Korea are eating pickled vegetables and spicey noodles.

Is North Korea and South Korea are now friend?

No. The two nations are technically still at war.

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Are North Korea and South Korea in the Chosǒn Peninsula?

Yes, Choson was the name of Korea before separated. but now we called them Korean peninsula

Is there oil in North Korea?

No there is no oil found in North Korea. As they would be rich and now they are asking the South Korea and the U.S.A to sell them rice.

Where is dbsk now?

Right now? All 5 members are in Korea. XD

How does the Korean war effect the now?

before the war, korea was divided; after the war, korea is still divided.

Who is the emperor of Korea?

There's no emperor in Korea but president. The name of the president is Myung-Bak Lee now.

Are there 3 capitals for North Korea?

No. The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang. (P'yongyang)South Korea's capital is Seoul.When Korea was united from 919 to 1394, the capital was Songdo, which is now called Kaesong.

Is Hwa Dae in Japan?

It was, it's now in Korea. It was part of the Japanese colony within Korea when it was controlled by the Japanese.

Why did japan have a war with Korea?

Because Japan wanted more land, they started the war with Korea, those days Korea didn't have a strong defense like now.