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Salt Fish!!



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Q: What is Jamaica's national fish?
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Is ackee and salt fish the traditional food of Jamaica?

Yes it is Jamaicas national dish

What are the sports in Jamaica?

cricket is jamaicas national sportgood runners

What do Jamaicas eat?

Jamaica's national dish is Ackee and Saltfish.

What is Jamaicas favorite dish?

Ackee and saltfish is the national and favorite dish

What are jamaicas most famous land marks?

its motto out of many we are one, the national flag. food, music, ect.

What is Jamaicas national song called?

Jamaica Land we Love - Jamaica's Anthem God Save the Queen - Royal Anthem

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Notes on the recorder for Jamaicas national anthem?

Many musical websites can provide this information. Just do a simple search and then print off the note sheet to use.

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Our national fish is the flying fish

What month is jamaicas Christmas in?


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