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Mainly Catholicism, however recent studies are showing that Catholics in primarily Catholic European nations do not practice the religion faithfully enough to be legitimately regarded as such.

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13y ago

it all depends on where in Italy your talking about ( :

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Q: What is Italian's religion?
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What is the religion for the majority of Italians?

Catholic Christianity is the religion for the majority of italians!

What religion do Italians celebrate?

The official religion of Italy is Roman Catholicism.

What religion do Italians have?

Where they have a religion, it's mainly the Roman Catholic variety of Christianity.

What is the religion italy?

Nearly 96% of Italians claim Catholic as their religion.

How important is religion to Italians?

Italians are not known as being religious. They are known for the pride they have in their culture aka "cultured". Religion is secondary to them, and most are Catholics if they haven't converted to another religion.

Do Italians believe in Buddha?

Yes and no. Those Italians who hold other or no beliefs don't believe in Buddha. Those Italians who respect Buddhism as a religion believe in Buddha.

Do Italians believe any religions?

Italians are originally and typically Catholic.

How does religion affect the Italians life?

It's said to have encouraged a great culture of family.

What is the religion in italy today?

About 70-80% of Italians are Christians, more precisely, Catholics.

How does the Catholic religion unite Italians?

Italy's history is tied closely to the history of Catholicism.

What is the religion that most Italians follow?

Catholic Christianity is the most common religion in Italy.

What is the major religion in Italy?

Most Italians are baptized Catholic Christians (about 88%). Waldensians and other Protestants make up 2%, and Orthodox Christians a little over 1%, making the total Italian Christian population about 91%. Only about 1/3 of these consider themselves actively affiliated with Christian Churches, despite being baptised, however. About 6% of Italians have no official religion. About 2% of Italians are Muslim.