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Hispanic females jovial, outgoing; enjoying a variety of domestic activities. Hispanic males manly, social, and outgoing. Hispanics are affectionate people. Typically not cold as mothers, or fathers, comparatively indulgent. Healthy due to the amount of fresh foods consumption, cancer rates experienced are much lower. Hispanics are formal in speech. Their language contains fewer words than English does. Hispanics will not layer or cloud topics in words but speak to the point. They do not consider candidness rude. Hispanic males seek future spouses with close parental monitoring by the girls family, in doing so learns to dance literally and figuratively. Flirting is an elevated art form. The cultural media portrayal of Hispanic women as flaunting of their vitality or sexuality, in dress or in dance signifies little to Hispanics. Hispanic women are confident of their beauty regardless of the Media ideal. Honor of parents, elders are important values, religious in its determination. Hispanics may pray novenas by candle light for a week when some one dies. They are pious, extending of help according to the religious teaching of Catholicism. Elder family member remain with the family. Family ties are important as well as politeness, not to be confused with weakness or subservience. Being polite shows they are cultured, while being spoken down to signifies barbarism of the person transgressing. They respect other peoples and religions, are less impressed by materialism, and tend to be minimalists. Praise is embarrassing, solicitous, and not necessary for adults. They savor each moment more than worry about tomorrow, confident that doing the right thing morally, will build to a better tomorrow as god wills it. Festivals and associated saints are a reason for community gathering. Quinceanera (15th) birthday parties, Three Kings days, Christmas, Easter, are traditional celebrations. Culturally concerned more for the whole group than the self, they are much like any one else- with a few variations in food choice, and social formalities. Close to the Italian Culture, both historically religiously intertwined, quite similar.
Molina, D. (09/18/09) Personal knowledge, Hispanic Social Cultural Experience

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Q: What is Hispanic family traditions and customs?
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