There is no such goddess.
However, it might interest you to know that the word angel comes from Greek and means "messenger".
Hermes, was the Olympian messenger god, with Ithax or Ithas as the Titan messenger god.
Arke was the Titan goddess of messengers, and her sister was Iris - a rainbow and messenger goddess who later served Hera.
Angelia, daughter of Hermes, was also a goddess of messages.
The English phrase "angel of death" has a Greek translation. When written with the English alphabet this phrase translates into the Greek "angelos tou thanatou".
what is the meaning of angel in Greek
No Criss Angel is not Cuban he is half greek.
Yes, magician Chris Angel can speak Greek. However, Chris Angel considers English to be his first language and the language he is proficient in.
it means angel or messenger of god
little angel = ΜΙΚΡΟΣ ΑΓΓΕΛΟΣ
No,he's a Greek American. His religion is Greek Orthodox
it is Greek for angel
angel mine
what is the meaning of angel in Greek
No, a angel it is not a symbol of Eros. The angel, or messenger, is a aspect of the Bible and not connected to ancient Greek religion.