Fresno is a city in California, United States, which is located on the continent of North America.
The address of the United States Airpower Museum is: 4377 N Norwich Ave, Fresno, CA 93726
The cost of living in the Fresno area is below the US average of 100% and is 93.6%.
Distance between Burbank, California, United States and Fresno, California, United States is 197 miles (317 km) (171 nautical miles). Driving the distance is going to be 209 mi (about 3 hours 12 mins).
Fresno is the county seat of Fresno County located in central CA in the San Joaquin Valley.
Fresno's airport is within the city of Fresno, so depending on where you are in Fresno, it will take you somewhere between 0-30 minutes to get to the airport.
Fresno is in California.
bacon is awesome
The address of the Heritage Fresno is: 2930 N West Ave, Fresno, CA 93705-3901
A 'fresno' is an ash tree.