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The official language of Colombia is Spanish, of which Colombian Spanish is the local variety.

And The many languages of the country's ethnic groups are constitutionally recognized as official languages in their territories. In places with non-Spanish linguistic traditions, bilingual education is obligatory. More than 60 aboriginal languages exist today. Among others:

  • Arawakan languages
  • Bora
  • Cocama-Cocamilla
  • Cocoma
  • Cofán
  • Cuiba
  • Guahibo
  • Guayabero
  • Kuna
  • Macaguán
  • Minica Huitoto
  • Murui Huitoto
  • Paezan languages
  • Playero
  • Páez
  • San Andrés-Providencia Creole
  • Ticuna
  • Uw Cuwa
  • Wayuu
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13y ago
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6y ago

In Colombia in South America, Spanish is the official language. There are over 70 other languages which are spoken in the country, with the remainder being predominantly native languages.
99% of Colombian population speak Spanish, English is also official (besides Spanish) in the state of San Andrés and Providencia which was a British territory but it now belongs to Colombia.
Spanish is the main language spoken in Columbia, South America.
The official language is Spanish and english is Also official in san Andrés and providence islands. There are also 72 regional languages :)

Best regards Nicoline
most people in Colombia speak spanish other than any other language

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11y ago

There are a number of indigenous languages like Wayuu, Paez, Embera, and Romani that are also spoken. Additionally, many educated Colombians speak English in order to conduct business with non-Hispanic countries.

Here is a list of all 82 local languages of Colombia (dozens of which are on the verge of extinction):

1. Achagua

2. Andoque

3. Arhuaco

4. Awa-Cuaiquer

5. Barasana-Eduria

6. Barí

7. Bora

8. Cabiyarí

9. Cacua

10. Camsá

11. Carabayo

12. Carapana

13. Carijona

14. Chimila

15. Cocama-Cocamilla

16. Cofán

17. Colombian Sign Language

18. Cubeo

19. Cuiba

20. Curripaco

21. Desano

22. Emberá, Northern

23. Emberá-Baudó

24. Emberá-Catío

25. Emberá-Chamí

26. Emberá-Tadó

27. Epena

28. Guahibo

29. Guambiano

30. Guanano

31. Guayabero

32. Huitoto, Minica

33. Huitoto, Murui

34. Hupdë

35. Inga

36. Inga, Jungle

37. Islander Creole English

38. Kogi

39. Koreguaje

40. Kuna, Border

41. Macaguaje

42. Macaguán

43. Macuna

44. Malayo

45. Muinane

46. Nhengatu

47. Nukak Makú

48. Ocaina

49. Páez

50. Palenquero

51. Piapoco

52. Piaroa

53. Piratapuyo

54. Playero

55. Providencia Sign Language

56. Puinave

57. Quichua, Napo Lowland

58. Romani, Vlax

59. Sáliba

60. Siona

61. Siriano

62. Spanish

63. Tanimuca-Retuarã

64. Tariano

65. Tatuyo

66. Ticuna

67. Tinigua

68. Totoro

69. Tucano

70. Tunebo, Angosturas

71. Tunebo, Barro Negro

72. Tunebo, Central

73. Tunebo, Western

74. Tuyuca

75. Waimaha

76. Wajiara

77. Wayuu

78. Woun Meu

79. Yahuna

80. Yarí

81. Yucuna

82. Yukpa

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6y ago

The 1 official language of Colombia is Spanish, which is also the national language, spoken by more than 99% of the population.

However, the languages of ethnic groups are also official in their territories.

English is also official in the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina.

Here is a list of all 82 local languages of Colombia (dozens of which are on the verge of extinction):
1. Achagua
2. Andoque
3. Arhuaco
4. Awa-Cuaiquer
5. Barasana-Eduria
6. Barí
7. Bora
8. Cabiyarí
9. Cacua
10. Camsá
11. Carabayo
12. Carapana
13. Carijona
14. Chimila
15. Cocama-Cocamilla
16. Cofán
17. Colombian Sign Language
18. Cubeo
19. Cuiba
20. Curripaco
21. Desano
22. Emberá, Northern
23. Emberá-Baudó
24. Emberá-Catío
25. Emberá-Chamí
26. Emberá-Tadó
27. Epena
28. Guahibo
29. Guambiano
30. Guanano
31. Guayabero
32. Huitoto, Minica
33. Huitoto, Murui
34. Hupdë
35. Inga
36. Inga, Jungle
37. Islander Creole English
38. Kogi
39. Koreguaje
40. Kuna, Border
41. Macaguaje
42. Macaguán
43. Macuna
44. Malayo
45. Muinane
46. Nhengatu
47. Nukak Makú
48. Ocaina
49. Páez
50. Palenquero
51. Piapoco
52. Piaroa
53. Piratapuyo
54. Playero
55. Providencia Sign Language
56. Puinave
57. Quichua, Napo Lowland
58. Romani, Vlax
59. Sáliba
60. Siona
61. Siriano
62. Spanish
63. Tanimuca-Retuarã
64. Tariano
65. Tatuyo
66. Ticuna
67. Tinigua
68. Totoro
69. Tucano
70. Tunebo, Angosturas
71. Tunebo, Barro Negro
72. Tunebo, Central
73. Tunebo, Western
74. Tuyuca
75. Waimaha
76. Wajiara
77. Wayuu
78. Woun Meu
79. Yahuna
80. Yarí
81. Yucuna
82. Yukpa

Colombian Sign Language (Spanish: Lengua de Señas Colombiana (LSC)) is the deaf sign language of Colombia. It has not been studied to the extent where it can be classified on the sign language family tree, but its popularity in Colombia is increasing among hearing people.

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13y ago

Colombia is not in Central America. It is in South America, and the Official (and most widely spoken) language is Spanish.

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13y ago

In Colombia they speak Spanish.

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