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The Geat Wall of China.

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Q: What is China's man made barrier?
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Related questions

Who made the Great Barrier Reef?

its not man made, it was created naturally.

Are there any parts of the Great Barrier Reef man made?

No the great barrier reef is a natural phenomenon and protected as much as possible from interference by man.

What is the first man made device to break the sound barrier?

The first man made device to break the sound barrier is the whip. The first pilot to break the sound barrier was Chuck Yeager, flying a Bell X-1 at Mach 1 in October of 1947.

Is the Great Barrier Reef natural cultural or both and why?

The Great Barrier Reef is natural because it hasn't been man-made.

What was the first man-made invention to break the sound barrier?

Probably the whip. The distinctive crack of a whip is made when the end of it breaks the sound barrier.

Is asus made is U.S.A?

No is not ! Asus is Chinas PC Company :D

What man made item was first to break the sound barrier?

The Bell X-1, a rocket-powered aircraft, was the first man-made item to break the sound barrier in level flight in 1947. It was flown by pilot Chuck Yeager.

Is the Great Barrier Reef man made or God made?

The Great Barrier Reef is a giant coral reef. It is basically a large collection of aragonite structures produced by living organisms. In a sense, it is neither man made nor God made. (If you are a creationist, and believe that God created all the creatures of the earth, then you could say that the Great Barrier Reef was indirectly made by God or a byproduct of Gods creation).

Why was the Great Barrier Reef marine park established?

It is not man made, but a natural feature. Natural features do not HAVE reasons- they ARE.

When was the Great Barrier Reef building finished?

The Great Barrier Reef is not a man-made structure. As it has been built by coral polyps, it continues to be built upon constantly. The Great Barrier Reef is constantly being regenerated, in natural, fluctuating cycles.

Is the great barrier reef man made r natural?

No, they are made by polyps, which confusingly are also known as coral (but coral the reef is made of and the polyps are two different things).

Is chinas economy good?

No it is not.