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In Greek Mythology, Arion is an immortal horse born to Demeter and Poseidon who was in the shape of a horse during their "contact". He was first owned by the Arkadian Ogkios, then by Herakles and finally by Adrastos.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

that has a human foot born from the union of Poseiden and Demeter

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βˆ™ 17y ago

It was born from the union Poseiden and Demeter, also it is known for it's speed.

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Q: What is Arion in Greek mythology?
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In Greek mythology Arion is a what kind of horse?

Arion was a horse born from the union of Poseiden and Demeter.

In Greek mythology was Arion known for his speed?

no, he has a human foot

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Arion is the Roman name of Areiôn, the immortal horse in Greek mythology begot by Demeter when raped by Poseidon.

Who was Arion in Greek mythology?

Arion was a horse born from Demeter and Poseidon. He has human feet on the his right-hand side instead of hooves and his mane is green.

Did arion the horse have a human foot?

Arion, a legendary horse in Greek mythology, did not have a human foot. He was known for his incredible speed and beauty, but there is no mention of him having a human foot in the myths.

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Some famous horses in Greek mythology include Pegasus, the winged horse; Arion, a swift immortal horse; and Bucephalus, the legendary horse of Alexander the Great.

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Athens is a city in Ohio that got its name from Greek mythology. It comes from the goddess Athena. Another town in Ohio is named after the Greek poet Arion.

What animals is Arion?

arion is an ancient greek poet, not an animal

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Demeter's son is Persephone, who is also known as Kore. She is the goddess of the harvest and agriculture in Greek mythology.

Who is arion?

A legendary horse, an off-spring of Poseidon and Demeter.

What are Greek symbols for the Greek god arion?

Arion: A fabulous horse (immortal/could speak), which Poseidon begot by Demeter.