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Meaning : Very Much Love

Take the word aloha. It means hello, goodbye, peace, and love, all rolled up together. Aloha nui loa (new ee low a) expands on the theme, nui meaning much, great and loa meaning very.

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What is the meaning of aloha nui loa?

"Aloha nui loa" is a Hawaiian phrase that means "much love" or "much aloha" in English. It is a heartfelt way of expressing deep affection and care for someone.

What is the Hawaiian translation for the English words lots of love?

Aloha nui loa, Aloha nui, or Aloha no. Nui means big or grand, and loa and one usage of the word "no" are intensifiers that makes anything that comes before even bigger. So at various times you could say, "Aloha nui," a shortened form of "much aloha," or the full "aloha nui loa," for the most amount of aloha. "Aloha no" is a common casual form, usually a greeting, an affirmation of strong aloha. This is different however from saying, "I love you," which is translated as, "Aloha au 'ia 'oe," or "Aloha from me to you."

What does a hui hou aloha nui loa mean in Hawaiian?

"Hui hou" means "until we meet again," while "aloha nui loa" means "with much love." Putting them together creates a warm farewell message in Hawaiian.

How do you say a salutation a whole lot of love in hawaiian?

Aloha nui loa [aloha noo-ee lo-ah]

How do you say Wishing you much love in Hawaiian?

To say "Wishing you much love" in Hawaiian, you can say "Ke aloha nui e hele mai ana."

How do you say we love you in Hawaiian?

You can say "Aloha nui loa" to express "we love you" in Hawaiian.

How do you say thank you for everything in hawaiian?

To say "thank you for everything" in Hawaiian you can say "mahalo nui loa."

How do you say terrific in Hawaiian?

aloha: maika'i no [myka'ee no] or maika'i nui loa [noowee lo-ah]

How do you say one love in hawaiian?

punahele [poo-nah-hay-lay]

How do you say my love for you is unconditionally in tongan?

Aloha nui loa, kau a kau [aloha noo-ee lo-ah, cow ah cow]

How do you say much love in hawaiian?

Aloha nui loa mai ohana kaua i no ʻolua [aloha noo-ee lo-ah my O-ha-na kay-ooh-ah E no 'O-loo-ah]

What does mahalo nui loa mean?

Mahalo nui loa is a Hawaiian expression that means "thank you very much" or "thank you greatly." It is a way to show deep gratitude or appreciation for something.