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Q: What influence did Arabs have on culture and government in east Africa?
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What people greatly influenced the culture and government of East Africa?

The Arabs. Hope I helped :)

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Jews and Arabs.

What religon did Arabs bring to Africa?

Arabs brought Islam to Africa.

What are the predominant cultures and languages of north Africa?

North Africa is mainly home to Arabs who practice the Islamic culture. The most predominant language in the region is Arabic.

What do Berbers and Arabs have in common and what sets them apart?

Berbers and Arabs both have a shared history in North Africa and have influenced each other culturally and linguistically. However, Berbers are indigenous to North Africa while Arabs migrated to the region from the Arabian Peninsula. Berbers have their own distinct culture and language, while Arabs predominantly speak Arabic.

How did conflicts between Arabs and Israelis influence the history of north Africa and the middle east?

Conflicts between the Arabs and Israelis go back to biblical times. They have influenced the history of North Africa and the Middle East by having a constant state of conflict and unrest.

Where are the Arabs located?

Arabs are located in the Middle East and in Northern Africa

Where do Arabs live in Africa?

North Africa

Why do somalis look like Arabs?

The answer is no- Somalians are not Arabs due to the geographical location , i.e Africa which make the African.The DNA of the Somali people is still being disputed of but it's likely that their previous ancesters could have been the Ethiopians. In addition, what is known when it comes to DNA is that they have Eurasion blood which therefore explains their unique characteristics if not caucasion features.Seeing as Islam spread much during the 7th century over Africa- that could be one influence that the Arabs had similar with Somalians as well as some parts in language and culture.

How did Greek and roman culture also influence Islamic culture?

Roman culture did not have much influence. Greek culture did. The Arabs read the scrolls in the library in Alexandria and became very interested in Greek science and mathematics, which helped them with the scientific advances they made in their age of splendour, which was at the time of the European Middle Ages.

Most Arabs in Africa live in what part of the continent?

Most Arabs in Africa live in the north and northwest part of the continent.