there are many different tribes in california. styles of dress differ between each.....
Each region has its own unique culture, cuisine, climate, and geography that contribute to its distinctive qualities and characteristics. Additionally, regions often have their specific industries, resources, and historical significance that shape their identity.
Diverse industries are ones that are very different to each other.
what are the names of each colony in region
It is estimated that billions of balloons are used each year worldwide for various events and celebrations. However, the exact number can vary due to factors such as region, cultural traditions, and industries utilizing balloons.
New England is a region on the East Coast. Ca is on the west. Each state has it's own capital city.
Because each region has different resources.
Two cities that are very close and border the same stretch of land are San Diego, California, USA, and Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. They are separated by the US-Mexico border and form a bi-national region known as the Cali-Baja Mega Region.
Since a vernacular region is a region that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity. Knowing this, an example of this type of region would be the South in the U.S. because the definition of the south is different for each individual depending on their personal beliefs. ( a vernacular region is also referred to as a perceptual region)
Canada is a very diverse economy with each region having it's own industries and cultures targeting certain industries. For example a Francophone from Quebec is very likely to be employed in the civil service, a person from a remote coastal community to be employed in the fishing industry. A person in Alberta is likely to be employed in agriculture or the oil industry, and a person in the far north or remote reserves least likely to be employed at all. As for the work itself, most of it would be in service industries but it runs the complete range from advanced nuclear testing to basic labour.