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Israel celebrates all Jewish holidays plus some modern holidays such as Israeli Independence Day, Memorial Day, Yom Yerushalayim and Yom ha-Shoah.

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Q: What holidays does Israel celebrate?
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How do Muslims celebrate Muslim holidays in Israel?

Muslims in Israel celebrate Muslim holidays with the same freedom that Christians in Israel celebrate Christian holidays and Hindus celebrate Hindu holidays. Muslims attend communal prayer services in the mosques, hold public and/or family celebrations, visit their holy places, and prepare traditional foods for the occasion, all as appropriate to the occasion. Religious freedom, and freedom from religious discrimination, are guaranteed by law in Israel.

Do egyptians celebrate holidays?

Yes, they celebrate holidays!

Does Israel celebrate Easter?

There are some Christians in Israel who do celebrate Easter, but the Jews and Moslems in Israel do not celebrate it.

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They celebrate the same holidays people do in United States of America.

Why do you need to celebrate holidays?

Nobody is obligated to celebrate any holidays. But it would be a nice occasion if we took the time to celebrate and understand cultures behind public holidays. Holidays are a way or spending time and following tradition to be closer to your family. So, if that is the case... then why shouldn't we celebrate holidays?

Is it good to celebrate holidays in school?

no,because some kids cant celebrate some holidays

Does Serena Williams celebrate special holidays?

No. She is a Jehovah Witness. She doesn't celebrate any holidays.

What holidays do the Cherokee Indians celebrate today?

They didn't really celebrate holidays they had festivals and fairs.

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Animals do not have holidays.

What did the Mayans celebrate?

their own special holidays and some good ol holidays we celebrate even today

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