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Easter, Christmas and many other saint and religious events. See related links for a complete list of holidays.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Christmas, Easter, New Year, Day of independence (9 May), National day (1 December), etc.

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10y ago

Examples are: Christmas, New Year, 1 May, 9 May (Indepedence Day), 1 December (Union Day), 30 December (Republic Day) etc.

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9y ago

New Year, Christmas, Easter, 1 December (Union Day), 1 May (Work Day),

1 June (Children Day) etc.

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9y ago

Examples: 1 December (The Great Union), 24 January (the first union), 9 May (day of the independence), 1 May (day of labor), 25 December (Christmas), Easter etc.

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15y ago

Important: Easter (orthodox), 25 December - Christmas, 1 May, 1 December - National day of Romania, 31 December/1 January; also many, many saints and religious events.

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10y ago

Examples: Day of Independece, Day of Union with Transylvania, Work Day, Christmas, Easter, New Year an a lot of saints.

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What major holidays do Romanians celebrate?

These are the Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, 1 May.

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Romanies living in Christian countries, most likely celebrate Easter.

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90 % of the Romanians are orthodox.90 % of the Romanians are orthodox.

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Romanians are not a disciplined people.

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Romanians mainly eat Pork.

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Most Romanians prefers towns.

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For the most Romanians this is just an offense.

Are romanians also Italian?

No. Romanians are from Romania which is a different country than Italy.