The distance between Atlanta and New Orleans is 470 miles and will take about 7 hours 10 minutes to drive.
It depends. If you are talking about a specific highway like, Pan-American Highway, you capitalize it. If you are just talking about a random highway like, "Take that the highway till you reach Atlanta," then you leave it lowercase.
It will take about 7 hours and 18 minutes of driving time according to MapQuest.
well if you take 95S to I-85S it is 1,079 mi, and if you take I-81S it is 1,095 mi
Distance:The driving distance (in miles) from Atlanta, GA to New Orleans, LA is 469 miles. It will take about 7 hours 2 minutes. The direct distance between Atlanta and New Orleans is 412 miles (663 km). Flight:Atlanta, GA (ATL) to New Orleans, LA (MSY)Shortest Flight Duration 1 hour 2 minsAverage Flight Duration 1 hour 28 mins
According to HowManyHours around 1 hour.
Atlanta to Seattle through Kansas City is 2639 miles. Atlanta to to New Orleans to San Diego to Seattle is 3540 miles.
It should take 3 hours at 65mph.
There is no direct highway, but you take Kimball south from Sarnia, until you get to St. Clair Rd (40) that should take you to the 401 highway leads to Windsor.
About 7 hours and 18 minutes of driving time according to MapQuest.
go through atlanta and tupolov
Take I-20 WEST to I-59 SOUTH to LAUREL and NEW ORLEANS in Mississippi. In Alabama, you will bypass Birmingham by taking I-459 (EXIT 136 off I-20 onto I-459 SOUTH).Continue SOUTH on I-59 to I-10 WEST to NEW ORLEANS at EXIT 1C in Louisiana.Take I-10 WEST to New Orleans.