In Oklahoma, riders 17 and younger are required by law to wear helmets. If you are over 17, you are not required by law to wear a helmet
NIke Super Speed 3/4 D I have a pair of the same ones myself and I play tailback really sweet cleats...
Everyone has to wear a helmet no matter what age! :)
any one under 21 MUST wear a helmet, but anyone over has to have insurance but doesn't have to wear a helmet
It depends on your age. If you are 16 you have to wear a helmet. But if you want your head to get blown off that's on you. It is safe to wear a helmet for protection.
Yes, he's mentioned in interviews that he wants his cleats to feel tight.
It is up to you, however the manufactures suggest you should wear a helmet.
It is never illegal to wear a helmet. But sometimes it's illegal not to wear one.
A helmet can become worn or damaged.Do not wear a helmet that has been in an accident, it might be cracked and not protect another time!
If there is no helmet law in your state, the cost of motorcycle insurance is the same whether you wear a helmet or not.
You can wear a helmet at pretty much any age. Depending on location and local laws, sometimes you don't have to wear a helmet once past a certain age.