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After arriving in Barbados, the slaves were gathered on deck for exhibition to buyers, and later, they were set up for auction.

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Antonio Crona

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After arriving in Barbados, the slaves were gathered on deck for exhibition to buyers, and later, they were set up for auction.

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Q: What happens to the captives when the ship reaches Barbados?
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They die, how simple is that

Who is a Spanish slave ship taken over by the slaves it was transporting?

The Amistad was a Spanish slave ship that was overtaken by the African captives aboard in 1839. The ship was eventually intercepted by the US Navy and the Africans were taken into custody in Connecticut, sparking a legal battle over whether they were considered property or free individuals.

How do yo think he felt about his experience compared to the fate of other captives on the ship?

He likely felt a mix of relief and survivor's guilt. While grateful for his own escape, he may have felt sorrow and regret for the fate of the other captives who were not as fortunate. Emotional conflicts and empathy towards their suffering may have weighed heavily on his conscience.

What is the issue of the amistad case?

The Amistad case involved a group of African captives who revolted against their captors aboard the slave ship Amistad. The issue at hand was whether the captives could be legally freed and returned to Africa, with the case ultimately centering on questions of property rights, international law, and the legality of the Atlantic slave trade.

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The African men and women aboard the Slave Ship Robert revolted against the crew, resulting in a violent struggle. They tried to escape their captors and gain control of the ship to regain their freedom. Ultimately, the revolt was suppressed by the crew, leading to harsher treatment of the captives.