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One fully functioning kidney has the ability to clear all wastes from the body (that two kidneys would have), since healthy humans use only about 20-25% of their kidney capacity).
Nothing, you will still function 100% fine. However, im not sure if it is still the same now, but you cant join the defence force with only 1 kidney.

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13y ago

As long as the kidney you have is functioning properly, it is possible to not even know you only have one. As anyone that has donated a kidney should be able to testify, if it were critical to have two, you would not be able to donate one while you are alive.

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Q: What happens if you only have one kidney?
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Can a person live normally with one kidney only?

an a person live normally with only one kidney

Can the body function correctly with one kidney?

Yes it can. For example people with kidney transplants only have one kidney.

What is it called when you have only one kidney?

---- ---- what is it called when you only have one kidney? ---- ---- well i have something to say i was born with only one kidney and i still don't ---- ---- know what is is called! Can someone please help me i need to know! ---- ----

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Yes. One kidney is enough to sustain the life.

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In partial nephrectomy, only the diseased or infected portion of the kidney is removed

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Yes he had only one kidney but now he got his kidney bacj

How do you know if you only have one kidney?

There is no way to know if you have one kidney. One kidney can easily do the job of two. Any urinary problems should be checked by a doctor to determine the cause.

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What can you do if your kidney fails?

People who have kidney failure, which is when 90% or more of the kidneys do not work, must be on dialysis. When kidneys fail the body cant cleanse the body of waste. The persons blood will become toxic and the person will die without dialysis or a kidney transplant. That's just with kidney failure. Of course you can live with only one kidney. Say you only had one kidney, that one kidney would have to be over 50% damaged before a person would possibly need to be on dialysis. To simply answer your question, you could have no problems with a damaged kidney, but failed kidneys will cause death.

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Liam Payne.