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The German tribes who invaded the empire set up kingdoms in the territory of the former empire. Italy was never again united under the same government until the 19th century. Part was reconquered by the eastern Roman Empire under Justinian by his great general Belisarius (a Serb). But even he never conquered the whole area. There was then an infection of Plague similar to the Black Death of medieval Europe and most of the area was lost again to German kingdoms. Byzantium (eastern Roman empire) continued to control Ravenna and parts of the south.

Sicily and parts of southern Italy were conquered by Muslims and held it until the southern par was invaded by Normans (the same sort of people who conquered England).

The middle part was conquered by the Pope and became the papal states. The northern part became part of the Holy Roman Empire (a German kingdom of the Franks).

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Mussolini was arrested in 1943 a little after the allies started to invade Italy. The new leaders promised alliance with Germany to avoid trouble, but dissolved the fascist party and made armistice with the allies. Then the German troops in Italy became an occupation force and Italy responded declaring war on Germany. The invasion went on slowly due to fierce German resistance, e.g. at Monte Cassino. In 1943 Germans could release Mussolini who set up a government in northern Italy, but 1945 he was caught again and executed by Italian partisans.

The Germans remained in control of territories in the north until the capitulation in May 1945.

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italy went bankrupt

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Q: What happened to Mussolini after the allied landing in Italy?
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Italy was the country that, under Benito Mussolini, was an ally of Germany, until the Italian people deposed the dictator, and Italy became an ally of the allied powers.

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