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Plague (542, 591), Byzantine conquest & loss of most of Italy (535-568), spread of Catholicism (Spain 587, England 597), Slav migration into eastern Europe & Balkans.

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Q: What happened in early Europe in 500-600 AD?
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What marked the end of greco-roman classical world and started Europe's middles ages and explain what happened and when it happened?

The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.The end of the classical period happened in 476 AD when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the west. The Middle Ages in Europe began at that time.

What major world event happened around 800 AD?

Gunpowder was invented in china around 800ad and leaked out at 1200 ad to europe

What happened in Europe during AD 960-1279?

well the civilization was just about to start and people were creating a culture

What continent were early explorers from?

Europe if you mean civilized society, particularly Scandinavia in the form of Vikings around 1100 AD

What two continents are completely in the northern hemispheres?

the answer is North America ad Europe

When was gunpowder invented?

The Chinese used gunpowder as early as 800-1000 AD, for fireworks and later for weapons. It was not in widespread use in Europe until around the 1300s.

What happened in AD 500?

In 500-1500 AD it was the Middle Ages.

What happened in AD?

Jesus died :)

What is St. Anne's year of death?

If you are referring to Anne the mother of the Blessed Virgin, we do not know the date except that it happened some time early in the first century AD.

What happened in ad 500-1500?

In 500-1500 AD it was the Middle Ages.

How and when did Christianity start?

Christianity started with the teachings of Jesus Christ in the late 20s AD and early 30s AD.