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The Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were shot by Gavrilo Princip using a FN Browning model 1910 pistol. The particular pistol he used is believed to be a .32 caliber.

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Q: What gun was used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
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How many bullets were used to kill archduke Franz Ferdinand?

2 bullets. One to the neck and one to the belly.

What caliber gun was used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip, using a FN Browning model 1910 32 caliber pistol, shot Franz Ferdinand. It was almost dumb luck that the bullet struck the archduke in the next causing him to bleed to death.

What was Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated with?

Gavrilo Princip shot Ferdinand and his wife with a Fabrique Nationale model 1910 32ACP pistol. There is a picture of this type of pistol at the related link below.

The first weapon in World War 1?

The pistol that Gavril Prizip used to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand & Princess Sophia.

What event is said to have started the 1 world war?

assasination of archduke franz ferdinand was used as an excuse by the Entente to attack Allies

Following archduke franz Ferdinand’s assassination, Austria-Hungary?

used the attack to justify taking aggressive action against Serbia

Following Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination, Austria-Hungary?

used the attack to justify taking aggressive action against Serbia

What role did the Serbian government play in the in assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand?

The Serbian government provided the weapons that the Black Hand used to attempt to assassinate Ferdinand/the gun that Princip used to kill Ferdinand.

What three countries used the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as a cause for war?

Austria-Hungary, Serbia and in a way Germany because they were backing Austria-Hungary

Was the Black Hand a terrorist group?

Yes, the Black Hand was a terrorist group. It was a secret society responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914, an act that triggered World War I. The group advocated for Serbian nationalism and used violence and terrorism to achieve their goals.

What was the spark of WW1?

the murder of Austria Hungary Archduke Franz Ferdinand. It was bascically used as an excuse to start the war. Then Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and nationalism took their toll to move it on.

How did gavrilo princip kill franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip was part of an underground resistance group that opposed Archduke Franz Ferdinand's rule, and the occupation of Serbia. He assassinated the Archduke as an act of patriotism and also because he did not like him.