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Roman Catholic AnswerThe Great Schism occurred in the 14th century when the Pope moved to Avignon in France, later, an anti-pope was elected in Rome, and the Church was thrown into turmoil for years. By the end, there were three claimants to the papal throne, it is often confused with the Schism of the East which happened in the 11th century when the Eastern Orthodox broke away from the Catholic Church.

from A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957

The Great Schism, otherwise know as the Schism of the West was not strictly a schism at all but a conflict between the two parties within the Church each claiming to support the true pope. Three months after the election of Urban VI, in 1378, the fifteen electing cardinals declared that they had appointed him only as a temporary vicar and that in any case the election was invalid as made under fear of violence from the Roman mob. Urban retorted by naming twenty-eight new cardinals, and the others at once proceeded to elect Cardinal Robert of Geneva as Pope Clement VII, who went to reside at Avignon. The quarrel was in its origin not a theological or religious one, but was caused by the ambition and jealousy of French influence, which was supported to some extent for political reasons by Spain, Naples, Provence, and Scotland; England, Germany, Scandinavia, Wales, Ireland, Portugal, Flanders and Hungary stood by what they believe to be the true pope at Rome. The Church was torn from top to bottom by the schism, both sides in good faith (it was impossible to know to whom allegiance was due), which lasted with its two lines of popes (and at one time three) till the election of Martin V in 1417. It is now regarded as practically certain that the Urbanist popes were the true ones and their names are included in semi-official lists; moreover, the ordinal numbers of the Clementine claimants (who, however, are not called anti-popes,) were adopted by subsequent popes of the same name.

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The Orthodox and Catholic Churches separated.

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Q: What group was separated in the Great Schism?
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What was it called when the Catholic church officially separated from the Catholic church?

This is called a schism the most famous being the Great Schism.

Where did the Great Schism happen?

The Great Schism was the division of Chalcedonian Christianity into the Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) branches. The Great Schism began in Constantinople in 1053.

What religious group was formed from the schism of the Catholic Church?

The Great Schism, or East-West Schism, in the Catholic Church, produced the Eastern Orthodox Church, in the East, and the Roman Catholic Church, in the West. Both claimed to be continuations of the original Church. There is an article at the link below.

What is the difference between the Schism and the Great Schism?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is no "the Schism", A schism is any person or group who leaves the Church setting up their own Church. For it to be a true schism the person leaves the Church by refusing to submit to the authority of the pope or to hold communion with members of the Church subject to him. A person or group guilty of schism usually ends up in apostasy and heresy, but they are not the same. None of the above can receive the Sacraments and the conditions for absolution are the same for all three. Groups that are in schism from the Church are the Polish National Catholics, the Old Catholics, and the Orthodox Churches. These Churches all maintain valid Orders, and have valid sacraments. The Society of St. Pius X, as of spring 2012, is headed in that direction. Groups that when into schism and immediately lapsed into apostasy and heresy were the protestant of the first generation. Their descendants are not in schism as they did not maintain a true Church with valid Orders and Sacraments. The Great Schism, in the Catholic Church usually refers to the 14th century when there were claimants to the papal throne living in Avignon. Protestants and secular scholars usually refer to the Eastern Schism as the Great Schism, which would probably be more accurate, but is not commonly terminology in the Church, where it is always referred to as the Schism of the East.

The great schism resulted from a conflict between?

The great schism resulted from a conflict between the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches.

What is a split that occurred within the Catholic Church that resulted in two separate churches Eastern Orthodox and Catholicism in 1047?

You're thinking of the Eastern Schism, sometimes called the Great Schism, but in the Catholic Church, the Great Schism refers to the Western Schism in the 15th century, not the Eastern Schism in the 11th century.

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The Great Schism of 1054 occurred among the Christians of Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

What word is the division of a group into antagonistic factions?


What effect did the great schism havevon Catholicism?

The Great Schism caused many members of a population that found itself without leaders and, to embrace mystic movements.

How did the great schism affect medieval life?

The Great Schism caused many members of a population that found itself without leaders and, to embrace mystic movements.

Why rhymes with great schism?

The words "why" and "schism" in "great schism" rhyme because they end with the same sound "ism," creating a similar ending. This similarity in sounds can make the words sound alike when spoken together.

When the great schism occured which empires divided?

The Roman Empire divided into the Western and Eastern, with the West centered in Rome, and the East centered in Constantinople, if you are talking about the Eastern Schism. The Great Schism in the Catholic Church usually refers to the Western Schism which divided European countries over who the true Pope was.