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Q: What group marched to Washington DC demanding their promised payment?
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What happened when World War 1 veterans marched in protest on Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

Event happened when world war 1 veterans marched in protest on Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

What event happened when world war 1 veterans marched in protest in Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

What event happened when World War 1 veterans marched in protest on Washington?

In 1932, World War I veterans marched in protest in Washington. They were angry because Congress had delayed payment of their promised bonuses. The march ended with the veterans receiving their bonus pay.

The Bonus Army marched on Washington DC for what purpose?

WWI veterans seeking the bonus Congress had promised them. And in 1924, congress passed the adjusted compensation act,which provided for a lump-sum payment to the veterans in 1945

What was the march on Washington by world war 1 veterans demanding payment of their war bonus?

The so-called "Bonus Army" marched to Washington DC in June, 1932 and many camped there until dispersed by the US Army on July 28, 1932. The group numbered as many as 43,000, about 17,000 veterans and 26,000 others including family members.

What were the the World War 1 veterans called that went to Washington DC in 1932?

They were called the "Bonus Army" when they marched to Washington in 1932 to press for immediate payment of the bonuses granted them under a 1924 act (the World War Adjusted Compensation Act). Although the bonuses were not to be payable until 1945, many veterans were put out of work by the Great Depression, which began in 1929, and wanted their payments early. They were evicted from their camps by the army, but in 1936 many were granted payments by Congress.

What was the name given to the group of ex World War 1 soldiers who marched on Washington to demand early payment of their pension bonuses?

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What do you mean by invoice bill?

An invoice is a record of purchase and a bill is a document demanding payment of something, so an invoice bill would logically be demanding payment from a purchase of something.

Which groups of American led the bonus march on Washington dc during hoover's administration?

Unemployed World War I veterans marched on DC in the summer of 1932, seeking early payment for service compensation.

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A dun letter is a letter demanding payment for a debt.

Why did thousands of World War 1 veterans come to Washington in 1932 to lobby congress?

Thousands of World War 1 veterans went to Washington to demand payment of a "bonus" the US Congress had promised them.