Washington DC is a Federal District and the capital of the United States. All three Federal Branches of Government are based in DC. Congress in based in the US Capitol Building. The Executive Branch is based in the White House and the Old Executive Office Building, while the Judiciary has its most senior court in the Supreme Court.
In addition, DC has a local government headed by a Mayor and City Councilers
The national government is located in Washington dc
The national government is located in Washington DC
federal government
Washington Magazine is a Washington, DC based fairly new news magazine. it covers the politics of government, in and outside the DC area. it is seen as a more middle ground newsmagazine based on opinion of the less than conservative writers
He is in the Washington, DC area working as a Business Analyst for the General Services Administration of the Federal Government.
The U.S. government?
Federal Government
Washington DC.
Washington DC serves as the capital for the United States. The president lives in Washington DC in the White House. The central government for the US is also located in DC.
The white house is in Washington DC because Washington DC is the united state's capital. It is head of all the government, and holds all the offices.