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beaver skin, mink, and other fur

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Q: What goods did the Delaware trade with the Dutch?
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Delaware how did it start the colony?

In 1638, the Dutch colonist Peter Minuet and the New Sweden Company founded the colony of Delaware. It was one of the Middle colonies that was founded for trade and profit.

Why did the Dutch come to colonial Delaware?

The reason the settlers of Delaware went there was to expand and control trade and to expand there native country's land. The reason Delaware was settled was to expand and conrol trade and to expand the native land of their country.

Why were the dutch able to trade with many non- European nations?

the quality of dutch goods is high and thay dont show aggrasive policy in that country

Trade goods in Delaware 1700s?

Glass beads, cloth, ribbons, cutlery, cooking pots, axes, firearms,

Why were the Dutch able to establish trade ties with many non European nations?

the quality of dutch goods is high and thay dont show aggrasive policy in that country

Did a group of dutch people find Delaware?

no,william penn did but he was a dutch

What country ruled colonial Delaware?

The Dutch

Who came to Delaware?

The Dutch, Swedes and the English.

Who found deleware?

The Dutch were the first outsiders to reach Delaware. Samuel Blommaert and Samuel Godin were the two Dutch explorers who campaigned for the Dutch port of Zwaanendael, in modern-day Delaware.

What was englands reason for the navigation acts?

To force colonists to buy goods from them.

Delaware goods and services?


How did new Sweden come to an end?

the dutch defeated them in Delaware which ended New Sweden. It was then Delaware which became part of New Netherland.