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Europe is generally warmer than Russia.

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your wrong duhhh

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Q: What geographic features might lead someone to settle in Europe rather than russia?
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What geographic features might lead someone to settle in Europe rather in Russia?

Europe is generally warmer than Russia.

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What graphical features might lead someone to settle in Europe rather than in Russia?

How the chingaos is i suppose to know, i'm asking ya'll!

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Is Europe and Asia both located on the same land mass?

Yes, Europe and Asia are part of the same land mass known as Eurasia. The two continents are separated by geographic boundaries that are more cultural and political rather than physical.

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You would find Europe's largest mountain range, the Alps, on a physical map due to its geographical features. Political maps typically show boundaries, cities, and countries, rather than physical features like mountain ranges.

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The seven continents are: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica. Note that the distinction between Europe and Asia is political rather than geographic; the two form a single landmass often called Eurasia.

What type of map shows special features of an area?

A thematic map shows special features of an area, such as population density, elevation, or land use. These maps are designed to highlight a specific theme or topic, rather than just showing geographic location or boundaries.

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It is not accurate to make a generalization about the aggressiveness of individuals based on their geographic location. Aggressiveness can be influenced by a variety of factors such as culture, upbringing, and personal experiences, rather than simply where someone is from.

What should you put under geographic preference on a job application?

The location or city of where you'd rather work.