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Q: What geographic feature most likely hinder the Byzantine from expanding north of Italy?
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How do geographic feature promoter cultural diffusion?

Geographic features can both facilitate and hinder cultural diffusion. For example, rivers and trade routes can promote the exchange of goods and ideas between different societies, while mountains and deserts can act as barriers limiting interaction. In some cases, geographic isolation can preserve unique cultural practices, while in others, proximity to other cultures can lead to blending and the creation of new cultural expressions.

What was the result from Louis XIV's threat to the European balance of power?

The result was that Louis XIV was prevented from expanding because other smaller powers banded together to hinder his own power.

What is a sentence that has the word hinder in it?

I have hindered the man to practice the robbery. To hinder is to prevent. Do not hinder me.

When was Hinder created?

Hinder was created in 2001.

Is hinder dead?

no hinder is clearly alive

When did hinder die?

No one in Hinder died.

What are the tenses for hinder?

Past tense - hindered. Present tense - I/you/we/they hinder. He/she/it hinders. Future tense - will hinder.

Can you give a sentence using the word hinder?

i am a hinder

When did the band Hinder start?

Hinder were formed in 2001.

What is the opposiye of hinder?

I think the opposite of "hinder" is "help".

Is hinder a verb?

Yes, the word "hinder" is a verb.

What are the lyrics to the song Hinder?

Hinder is the name of a band. The lyrics to Hinder's songs can be found on the Song Lyrics website. The website has a total of 54 Hinder songs with the lyrics.