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Q: What games do the Girl Scouts play in Uruguay?
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What are the games that Girl Scouts play in London?

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What do Italian Girl Scouts do?

Girl Guides in Italy go camping, hiking, play games, watch the stars, pretty much everything that Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world do. They are committed to education and training, sharing, personal growth, civic consciousness, friendship, and solidarity.

What games do you play in scouts?

widegame ,nightgame ,football

What is Girl Scouting like in Belgium?

Girl Guiding in Belgium is pretty much like Girl Guides and Girl Scouts everywhere.The Guides and Scouts Movement of Belgium consists of five different associations:Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen (SGV) or Scouts and Guides of FlandersScouts et Guides Pluralistes De Belgique (SGP) or Scouts and Guides PluralisticFOS Open ScoutingGuides Catholique De Belgique (GCB) or Association of Catholic Guides of BelgiumLes Scouts (ASBL) or Federation of Baden-Powell Scouts of BelgiumAll five organizations focus on leadership and training. They all have uniforms, travel, go hiking and camping, play games, and host a wide variety of activities, camps, and events.

What was the name of Juliette Gordon Low's basketball team?

Juliette Gordon Low did not have a specific basketball team. At the time she began Girl Scouting in the US, girls were not allowed to play basketball in public. Girl Scouts had to play on a basketball court that was surrounded by curtains so that people passing by could not see the girls playing basketball. Girl Scouts played basketball as part of their troop activities. After Juliette Gordon Low returned to England, Edith Johnston took Juliette's place and it was Edith's idea to organize a basketball league and tournament for the Girl Scouts.

What activities do Girls Scouts do?

Girl Scouts do almost any activity they choose to do, as long as they follow GSUSA's safety guidelines. Girl Scouts travel, go camping, cook using various methods including a campfire, earn badges on various topics, use computers, play games, sing songs, sell cookies and other items, sew, make crafts and other art projects, etc.

What did Girl Scouts wear when they couldn't wear shorts or trousers during basketball?

In the early years of Girl Scouting, Girl Scouts could not play basketball in public. They played on courts which were covered by blankets or curtains so the public could not see them playing basketball. The girls wore their Girl Scout uniforms or they wore bloomers to play basketball in.

What do Girl Scouts do for fun?

They talk about what they are going to sell and what badge they want. Girl Scouts are able to choose the activities for their troop to do. Here is a list of things Girl Scouts have done for fun: sing dance have a party go camping go hiking ride horses go on a trip take photos use computers play games, sports make art projects make crafts make scrapbooks tour a museum go to a theme park go to a zoo

What games do girl guides play in Egypt?

girl guide games

Who played Uruguay in 1930?

Argentina play Uruguay in 1930

What does it mean when a girl asks to play games on your phone?

That she wants to play games on your phone.....

What is there to do on a Saturday with no school?

Study or do your homework read a book for fun play outside with your friends play computer games go to a sports event or play a team sport join Boy or Girl Scouts or a local equivalent visit a museum visit a park go on a hike with your parent or another group