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Volcanic activity.

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Q: What formation is associated with the formation of the Hawaiian islands?
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The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is associated with what kind of boundary?

The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is associated with a hotspot boundary. A hotspot is a location where magma rises to the surface through the mantle, creating a volcanic island chain, like the Hawaiian Islands.

What is the formation of the Hawiian islands associated with.?

The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is associated with a volcanic hot spot under the Pacific Plate. As the plate moves slowly northwest over the hot spot, a chain of volcanic islands is formed, with the oldest islands in the chain to the northwest and the youngest to the southeast. This process has been ongoing for millions of years.

The Hawaiian Islands are associated with?

The Sea, Sun and Surf.

What is the formation of a Hawaiian island?

The Hawaiian Islands are formed from a chain of volcanoes, some still active.

How did Hawaii get made?

volcanic eruptions caused the formation of the hawaiian islands

Is the formation of the Hawaiian Islands is one example of volcanoes forming over a hot spot?

Yes. The Hawaiian Islands were formed by hot spot volcanoes.

The Hawaiian Islands and Yellowstone are associated with which of the three zones of volcanism?

The type of zone of volcanism that the Hawaiian Islands and Yellowstone National Park are associated with is called a Hot Spot. Volcanic places that are formed by mantle plumes are called Hot Spots.

What is the average speed of the pacific plate during the formation of the Hawaiian islands?

8.8 cm/yr

Is Mount Kilauea a hot spot?

Yes, Mount Kilauea is located on the Big Island of Hawaii and is a shield volcano that is associated with the Hawaiian hot spot. The hot spot is a source of underlying heat in the Earth's mantle that fuels volcanic activity in the region, resulting in the formation of Hawaiian Islands.

The formation of the hawaiian islands is an example of what?

The formation of the Hawaiian Islands is an example of hotspot volcanism. A hotspot is an area of volcanic activity located beneath the Earth's crust, which creates a chain of volcanic islands as the tectonic plate moves over the hotspot, resulting in a series of volcanic eruptions that build up the islands over time.

Intraplate volcanism may be associated with what formation?

Intraplate volcanism may be associated with hotspots. These are areas where magma rises from deep within the mantle to the surface of the Earth, independent of tectonic plate boundaries. The Hawaiian Islands are a famous example of intraplate volcanism caused by a hotspot.

The Hawaiian islands has what type of plate boundary?

The Hawaiian Islands are located over a hotspot, where a tectonic plate moves over a stationary mantle plume. This is not a plate boundary, but rather a volcanic hotspot chain that has formed the Hawaiian Islands as the Pacific Plate moves slowly over it.