A good guess would be imported food.
Any food that is hot is generally the best food in the Antarctic region.
Antarctic hair grass is not part of any Antarctic food chain.
Because the orca has no predators in Antarctic waters. The Antarctic cod provide excellent food for them, as do penguins, other birds and seals.
in the sea
Ozone hole will affect Antarctic food chain. It will kill all the planktons.
No food is grown on Antarctica. There are, however, fish that are harvested from waters north of 60 degrees S, that are sometimes called 'Antarctic fish'.
When these penguins feed, their food source is in the Southern Ocean.
they die
Penguins feed on krill, which is the base of the Antarctic food chain. (The entire Antarctic food chain exists in the Antarctic seas and oceans that surround the continent: it's too cold for any nourishment to grow on the continent.)