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the Gettysburg Address and the civil war

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Q: What finally freed all of the slaves?
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When were slaves finally freed?

A few months after the Civil War - late 1865.

Which slaves were freed under the Emancipation?

All slaves in areas controlled by the U. S. Army were ordered freed.

What was in Washington's will?

He Freed All 300 Of His Slaves

Where did all the slaves go when they were freed?


Why could Lincoln only free the slaves in the state that were in rebellion and not all of the slaves throughout the country?

President Abraham Lincoln freed slaves in rebellious areas of the US in 1863. All other slaves had been freed in the North.

What freed all the slaves in the US?

Proclamation of 1763

Why was the Proclamation significant?

It freed all slaves in the south.

Why were the slaves freed?

The Civil War was over slavery. The North was against it and the south was for slavery. The North won so all the slaves were freed.

What called for all Confederate Slaves to be freed?

The Emancipation Proclamation, however this was in name only, no slaves at all were freed as the Union had no control of Confederate territory and was unable to enforce it.

Did abraham lincoln free the blacks?

Not exactly, he freed the slaves, not all slaves were black.

How many freed slaves remain on the farm where they had worked as slaves?

There are no freed slaves remaining on the farm where they had worked as slaves. After emancipation, freed slaves were free to leave the farms where they were enslaved.

How many people were slaves?

A.millions all down south were slaves. Some were slaves all their life, others escaped or were freed.