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Zeus' thunderbolt

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Q: What famous weapon did Hephaestus made?
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What is hephaestus weapon?

hephaestus was married to aphrodite and aglaia

What is Hephaestus weapon and shield?

Hephaestus forged weapons and shields for gods and heroes - but he did not use them himself.

Did Hephaestus have favorite weapon?

No, Hephaestus was a maker of weapons. It can be said that being a god of fire itself was a "weapon" as well as the hammer he always had could be used for defense.

What was Hephaestus weapon of choice?

No, Hephaestus was a maker of weapons. It can be said that being a god of fire itself was a "weapon" as well as the hammer he always had could be used for defense.

What is Zeus' weapon of choice?

Zeus' weapon of choice was the lightning bolt which was produced for him by Hephaestus.

What was Hephaestus famous for?

Being one of the Twelve Olympians: and the god of fire and blacksmiths. he also made Zeus's famous lighting bolt.

How do other gods see Hephaestus?

Other gods see Hephaestus as just the weapon maker of Mount Olympus. Nothing very special.

What were Hephaestus's weapons?

His symbols were a Hammer, Anvil, and Tongs but his weapon of choice was an Axe

Does Aphrodite have any weapons?

Yes. She has the golden gurdle that can make any one she loves desire her. Her husband, Hephaestus made it for her. Other than that, her beauty is also considered a weapon.

Does the god Hephaestus have a weapon?

No, he is a craftsman, not a warrior, and is often depicted working at a forge with a blacksmith's hammer.

Does Hephaestus wear or carry any weapons?

No, Hephaestus was a maker of weapons. It can be said that being a god of fire itself was a "weapon" as well as the hammer he always had could be used for defense.

Who was the woman made by Hephaestus?

Zeus asked Hephaestus to create a woman made of clay to bring sorrow to mortal men.