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Q: What factors allowed north Vietnam to achieve victory over south Vietnam?
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Who supported US involvement in Vietnam and thought that the US should do whatever was necessary to achieve victory?

President John F. Kennedy supported the United States' involvement in the Vietnam Conflict and stated that we should do whatever was necessary to achieve victory. He wanted to stop the spread of Communism and ensure freedom for Vietnam.

Outcome of the Vietnam War?

Northern victory.

What was the aftermaths of the Vietnam War?

Communist victory.

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The Vietminh victory caused the French to withdraw from Vietnam.

Which of these is dirctly linked to the domino theory?

North Vietnam's victory over South Vietnam

Which of these directly linked to the domino theory?

The victory of Communist North Vietnam over South Vietnam. A+

What did the Vietnam war lead up to?

A Communist victory.

How the Vietnam war conflict ended?

Northern victory.

Cause and Effect for Vietnam and Korean war?

1. Cause-Communist aggression 2. Effect-Free world victory for Korea/Communist victory for Communists in Vietnam

Who declared victory of the Vietnam war?

The USA, under President Gerald R. Ford, finally gave up on the incompetent and corrupt government of South Vietnam in 1975, and North Vietnam quickly and easily defeated South Vietnam in a few months.

What effect did the test offensive in Vietnam have on the war?

The Tet Offensive had a significant impact on the Vietnam War, as it resulted in a steep decline in support for the war among the American public. The US and South Vietnam actually won a tactical victory, however, it was a political victory for North Vietnam.

What is a synonym for succeeded?

achieve, victory,