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Q: What event is directly responsible for the inclusion of this statement in japan's current constitution?
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Why is the Bill of Rights not in the constitution?

The Bill of Rights is in the US Constitution. They are the first ten amendments. The Bill of Rights are not found in the original part of the document because the framers argued over their inclusion in the document. They were afraid that if they were to write out a Bill of Rights that it would limit the American people to only those that were directly expressed in the document.

Why is the bill of rights in the constitution?

The Bill of Rights is in the US Constitution. They are the first ten amendments. The Bill of Rights are not found in the original part of the document because the framers argued over their inclusion in the document. They were afraid that if they were to write out a Bill of Rights that it would limit the American people to only those that were directly expressed in the document.

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If a copyright page lists a publisher that is a division of a larger company, it is necessary to list only the company that is directly responsible for the publication of the work.

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A direct statement is a statement that comes DIRECTLY from a persons mouth. Ex. a person talking. NOT Ex. a romor passed on to different people that could be false.

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Slavery was directly responsible for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

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The Anti-Federalists felt that the Constitution of 1788 granted too much power to the federal government at the expense of state power and desired a return to the Articles of Confederation, ratified in 1781. In contrast, the Federalists believed that the Articles of Confederation did not grant enough power to the federal government, and they are the ones directly responsible for the Constitution of 1788.

According to the Constitution which part of the new government would be elected directly by the people?

The House of Representatives is elected directly by the people. In later amendments to the US Constitution, the Senate was also added to be elected directly by the people.