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Japanese soldiers stage an explosion at their own railroad station and then blamed it on the Chinese.therefore it would look justified when they attacked and the league of notions couldn't condemn them

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10y ago

Japan violated the League of Nationâ??s terms of war by invading Manchuria without declaring war in 1931. It sought resources of coal, oil and rubber that Japan lacked. When China appealed to the League of Nations for relief, it found the League actually had very little power against nations and confidence in the organization was eroded.

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When Japan invaded Manchuria they took over and claimed the land for their own. They occupied the area until World War 2 ended.

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13y ago

japanesse soldiers staged an explosion in a Japanese railroad station and blamed it on the Chinese.

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Q: What event caused Japan in invade Manchuria?
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What event caused you Japan to invade Manchuria?

Japanese soldiers stage an explosion at their own railroad station and then blamed it on the Chinese.therefore it would look justified when they attacked and the league of notions couldn't condemn them

What event led the to japanese to invade the chinese province of manchuria?

The Japanese staged an explosion at a railroad yard and blamed it on the Chinese. -- NovaNet answer

What event led to the Japanese to invade the Chinese province of Manchuria?

The Japanese staged an explosion at a railroad yard and blamed it on the Chinese. -- NovaNet answer

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