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Q: What epic battle in Indiana did Harrison defeat the Native Americans?
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Who fought the Americans in the Battle of Tippecanoe?

Governor William Henry Harrison of the Indiana Territory

Who led Americans in the battle of Tippecanoe?

William Henry Harrison.

What was the outcome of the battle of tippecannoe?

It made Harrison famous. It made Tecumseh join the British side during the War of 1812. It made the Indians of Tecumseh and the Prophet weak and the Americans controlled Indiana.

In what bat tle did governor William Henry Harrison defeat Tecumseh?

The battle was at Tippecanoe which is near present day Lafayette, Indiana,

What was the last major battle between Americans and Native Americans?

battle at wounded knee

What was the last major battle between whites Americans and native Americans?

battle at wounded knee

Were the Native Americans fighting during the Battle of Bull Run?

NO. The Battle of Bull Run was between the Union and Confederacy in the US Civil War. The Native Americans were not involved in that battle.

Who became a national hero as a result of the Battle of Tippecanoe?

William Henry Harrison, the governor of Indiana

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Not at all. Native Americans have a long history of laziness.

Which battle in 1876 was a victory for native americans?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn

What was the meaning of Tippicanoe and Tyler too?

Tippecanoe was the nickname of William Henry Harrison. He received the nickname after a battle against native Americans near the Tippecanoe River when he was Governor of the Indiana Territory. His running mate in the 1840 presidential election was John Tyler.

What Indiana govenor and future president became widely known after the battle of tippecanoe?

William Henry Harrison was a territorial governor of Indiana and the victor at Tippecanoe.