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Right now it belongs to the country of Mexico, and no empires exist there. However, some 500 years ago the Mayan civilization flourished in such region.

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Q: What empire is on the Yucatan Peninsula?
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What is the largest peninsula in Mexico that extendsinto the gulf of Mexico?

There are two of them. One would be the Florida peninsula in the United States; the other would be the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. See related questions below for details on the Yucatan peninsula.

What Indian empire was located in the Yucatan peninsula and central America?

The Mayan civilization.

What hemisphere is the Yucatan peninsula a part of?

Yucatan Peninsula is in the western hemisphere.

The peninsula to which Cancun is connected?

Cancun is connected to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.

Is the Yucatan Peninsula a desert?

No, the Yucatan is not a desert. It is tropical forest.No, Roula, there is absolutely no desert around there.

How tall is the yucatan peninsula peak?

There are no peaks in the Yucatan peninsula, as it is mostly flat terrain.

What country is the peninsula Cancun in?

Cancun is a city in the Yucatan Peninsula. Yucatan belongs to Mexico.

Is Cancun in the Yucatan peninsula?

Right. Cancun is on the northeastern Yucatan Peninsula, facing the Caribbean Sea.

How is the yucatan peninsula called today?

There is still an area called the Yucatan Peninsula. It is in Southeastern Mexico.

What is the peninsula to which Canun is connected?

The Yucatan Peninsula

What is Belize only peninsula?

its ON the the Yucatan peninsula

Who conquered Yucatan peninsula?

Unlike the Aztec Empire, which was a centralized society with Mexico-Tenochtitlan as its capital, the Mayan peoples in the Yucatan peninsula were part of independent city-states. In order to conquer the peninsula, the Spaniards had to effectively conquer each and everyone of them. This means that the last Mayan stronghold fell in 1697.