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Wake Island and the Philippines were also hit.

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Q: What else did Japan target on 7th December?
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What was the date when japan bomb the us?

December 7th 1941

What is the date Japan declared war on America?

December 7th, 1941

The US declared war on japan before or after Japan bombed pearl harbor?

after. December 7th 1941

What year and what date was Pearl Harbor attacked by japan?

7th of December 1941.

What is the year of attack of Pearl Harbor by japan?

Pearl Harbor was attacked December 7th 1941. Congress then declared war on Japan December 8th 1941.

What was the date that pearl harbor and japan attack the us?

December 7th 1941

Where in Pearl Harbor did Japan attack?

The Whole Harbor, on December 7th, 1941

What year did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?

It happened on December 7th, in 1941. 1941

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Japan bombed Pearl harbor on Sunday, December 7th, 1941.

On what date was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.DECEMBER 7 1941It was December 7, 1941, which was the date Japan brought the US into the war.Dec. 7th, 1941

What year was pearl harbour bombed by japan?

the real date of the bombing on pearl harbor is December 8th, 1941

When did the US join go to war with Germany and Japan?

December 7th, 1941 was the date that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The US declared war immediately.