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Q: What elements comes under statutory compliance?
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What comes under the purview of stress analysis?

Elements subjected to loading or subjected to force.

Is RBI a statutory body or non statutory body?

RBI is a statutory body formed under the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 and not a constitutional body.

What are statutory act acoording to factories act?

Statutory acts under the Factories Act refer to the specific regulations and provisions outlined by the law. These acts are legally binding and must be followed by all factories and organizations covered under the Act. They cover various aspects such as health and safety, working conditions, welfare facilities, hazard management, employment of women and young persons, and more. Compliance with these statutory acts is mandatory to ensure the well-being and protection of workers in factories.

What is the three parts of compliance under OSHA's compliance?

EnforcementConsultationEducation-Obtained from the Essentials of Safety vol 1

What kind of a statement is a statutory declaration?

A statutory declaration is a legal document that is defined under the law of certain Commonwealth nations, this declaration is similar to statements made under oath.

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What is the sentence for menacing in Oregon?

Misdemeanor menacing, found under Oregon Revised Statutes 163.190, comes with a maximum sentence of 1 year in the county jail and fines of $6250.00. There is a minimum $500 statutory assessment upon conviction.

What are the three parts of delegated legislation?

Local authority by-laws, made by local councils under enabling Acts.Public corporation by-laws - made under statutory authority.Rules of court, made by the rules committees.European regulations, made by the European Commission and law as a result of the European Communities Act 1972.Ministerial/departmental regulations, made by statutory authority.Orders in Council, made by statutory authority or under the Royal Prerogative (for example, for exercising control over new dominions).

What are the types of legislation?

Local authority by-laws, made by local councils under enabling Acts.Public corporation by-laws - made under statutory authority.Rules of court, made by the rules committees.European regulations, made by the European Commission and law as a result of the European Communities Act 1972.Ministerial/departmental regulations, made by statutory authority.Orders in Council, made by statutory authority or under the Royal Prerogative (for example, for exercising control over new dominions).

What is the difference between tax audit and statutory audit?

Audit under any statute in a Country(State) is called statutory audit & Audit under any taxation law is called tax audit. For example books of accounts are audited under the Companies Act, 1956 (Statutory Audit) and Financial Statements of companies are prepared as per the provisions of this Act. Books are also audited under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the income arrived at as per the provisions of this Act is taxed (Tax Audit).

Which is costly... Compliance or Non-compliance?

I think its non compliance, costs associated with the penalties for non compliance can be several times more, than complying with legal guidelines. Governments worldwide have been placing companies under scrutiny as corporate failures and fraud has demonstrated the need for legislation. In such a scenario, every organization should seek compliance perspective from external sources, not only to handle the costs, but also to deal with the process smoothly. Learn more about Compliance Management here Compliance experts will prove helpful in dealing with this expensive affair.

How many employees are required for a company to fall under the compliance of the Age Discrimination in Employment act?
