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Q: What element when super nova produced?
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Where is super nova on Habbo?

A super nova is a very rare item of furniture.

What does nova mean?

Nova means super.

Who is supernova?

A super nova isn't a person. A super-nova is a high mass star's explosion.

Is a super nova a planet?

A super nova is a sun of a certain size exploding at the end of its life.

Did our solar system form from a super nova?

No a super nova didnt jesus created our universe

What is the origin of the element Xenon?

It came mostly from nova and supernova explosions. It was also produced by red giants which had burned up their hydrogen and entered the asymptotic giant phase. Nova explosions also produced radioactive isotopes of various other elements and xenon can be produced by radioactive decay of iodine, uranium and plutonium.

Is a super nova and a super nebula different?


What is the super giant star called?

A Super Nova.

How do you do super nova on Super Smash Bros Brawl?

You cannot get super nova i have all the melee stages and normal one as well as all the characters

Is xenon renewable?

Not easily. It is an element which is only formed in nova and supernova explosions. It is also produced in red giant stars after they have exhausted their hydrogen cores. Finally, it is produced by radioactive decay of iodine, uranium and plutonium.

Is super nova the big bang?


Who sings supernova?

super nova