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Q: What element is named after the Greek sun god?
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Which gas was named after the Greek word for Sun?

The element helium was named for the Greek god of the Sun, Helios. Helium has an atomic number of two and is the second most abundant element.

What is the element helium named after?

Helium is named after the Greek god of the Sun, Helios.

What element is named after the Greek name for the sun?

The element named after the Greek name for the sun is Helium.

Why helium called mythology?

Helium is a element named after the Greek sun god, Helios.

What element is named for Greek sun god and was first discovered there?

Helium is the element named after the Greek sun god Helios and was first discovered in the spectrum of the sun during a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen and British astronomer Joseph Norman Lockyer.

Why was helium named after Helios the sun god?

Helium was named after Helios, the sun god, because it was first discovered in the spectrum of sunlight during a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen. The name Helium comes from the Greek word "helios," which means sun.

What is the reason for the naming helium?

The element helium was first identified on the sun by examination of its spectral lines. While it was later also discovered on earth, because it was first found on the sun (Helios in Greek) it was named for that location.

A very light inert gas named after the Greek god of the sun?

Helium is the inert gas named after the Greek god of the sun, Helios. It is the second lightest element on the periodic table and is commonly used in balloons, blimps, and as a cooling agent in various applications.

What celestial body is helium named after?

Helium is named after the Greek god of the Sun, Helios.

Where did helium get it name?

from the greek god of the suncalled Helios

What element is named after greek word for sun?

Helium (He) was named from the greek word helios=sun. Helium was given that name because it was first discovered at the spectrum of the chromosphere of sun.

What element named after the 8th planet from the sun?

Many elements have been named after scientists, almost always posthumously. Only one element was named after a scientist still alive: Seaborgium, element number 106, Symbol Sb, was officially named and accepted internationally in 1997. The element was named after Glenn T. Seaborg who discovered the actinide series of the Periodic Table, and was principle in discovering 8 elements, and two more on research teams, totalling 10 elements discovered in his lifetime. He died in 1999, 2 years after Seaborgium was officially named, although he did not discover that element.