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Q: What effect do you think the north Atlantic Westerlies have on western Europe?
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How do the prevailing westerlies affect the climate of which part of Europe is most affected?

The prevailing westerlies pick up warmth from the North Atlantic Drift and carry it over Europe. The East is most affected because prevailing westerlies blow from the west to the east. ... Explain which part of Europe is most affected.

Why is the effect of westerlies felt greater in Europe?

the effect is felt to a greater extent because of the shifting of the pressure belts due to the coriolis effect ( shifting of the pressure belts because revolution of the earth around the sun ). hope that helps

Why are westerlies called westerlies?

because of the direction they travel in. they travel from west to east due to the coriolis effect

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No. Eastern Europe has no coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean and is not near the Atlantic Ocean, so the Gulf Stream does not have any effect on it.

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well whats the answer to my question: what is the Atlantic system and how did it affect the Americas

What causes the prevailing westerlies to deflect?

The Coriolis effect.

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Unless someone is a fish they are not from the Atlantic Ocean , so to answer your question there is no effect.

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The Gulf Stream.

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The power of the Catholic Church in Europe was weakened.

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The North Atlantic Drift brings warm weather to Europe. Because of this, Europe is about 15 F warmer than areas of the same latitude.

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