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It helped unite Germany but divided the Austrian Empire.

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it helped unite Germany but divided the Austrian Empire.

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Q: What effect did nationalism have on the german states and the austrain empire?
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What effect nationalism have on the German states and the Austrian empire?

It helped unite Germany but divided the Austrian Empire.

What two states were the leading powers in the German confederation?

the russian and austrain empires.

Do austrain people like German people?

They get on well enough. Hitler was Austrian by birth...

How did Latin American nationalism in the first half of the 20th century differ from German nationalism in the first half of the 20th century?

Latin American nationalism compared to German nationalism was like comparing night and day. Latin American nationalism was disorganized and didn't have a common goal or purpose, as opposed to the German nationalism. German nationalism was to promote German supremacy and world control.

Why did the leaders at congress of Vienna fear nationalism?

He was correct to form that opinion; nationalism ripped the Austrian Empire apart and for exactly the reason he predicted. The Austrian Empire was ruled by the German-speaking Austrians who were a majority in a very small minority of the Austrian Empire. There were far many more Slovenes, Croats, Serbians, Bosniaks, Hungarians, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks than Austrians and these peoples would eventually demand independence on nationalist grounds. When this nationalism was realized at the end of World War I, the Austrian Empire ceased to exist.

How did nationalism affect Germany and Austria-Hungary differently?

In general, you could say that German nationalism tended to bring the country together, and the nationalism in Austria-Hungary tended to pull them apart. There was a much greater land area, much greater religious and cultural diversity, and a much greater overlap in people identifying with other countries and language differences in Austria-Hungary. Nationalism of course continued. After the dissolution Austrian Catholics were bonded together by religion, and although many of them were German, they didn't want to join with the protestants. German nationalism in Nazi Germany continued, and may have been a unifying experience for some, but at the expense of the ostracism and dehumanization of others.

What was one effect of Napoleon's control of the German-speaking lands in the early 1800's?

Germon nationalism was sparked, I'm pretty sure..

Who was the leader of German nationalism?

Adolf Hitler

Why did Austria welcome the Nazis?

Most Austrians spoke German, and were ethnically German. Therefore they identified themselves as German; the Austrian Empire fell apart after WWI and therefore Austrians gravitated toward the more powerful Germany. They were attracted to Hitler's visions of German nationalism because they were essentially German and would benefit from it.

How did the title The Third Reich promote national pride?

Reich is a German word translating to 'empire'. The Third Reich, in referring to Nazi Germany, promoted Nationalism in claiming that this was a new empire that would gain power over the world.

Why did the German people listen to Hitler?

he inspired nationalism

Who was father of German nationalism?

Johann Gottlieb Fichte