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The Tasmanian Devils are strictly carnivorous, eating insects, small prey such as snakes, birds, fish and mammals up to the size of a wombat, and carrion (carcasses or dead animal bodies). The Tasmanian devil scavenges most of its food and will eat whatever is handy. They have very powerful jaws and teeth enabling them to totally devour their prey, bones, fur and all.

They are bot hunters and scavengers, and essentially opportunistic carrion eaters. They are at their most rowdy when fighting over a large carcass.

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10y ago
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12y ago

The only things that might regard Devils as a food source would be introduced species such as dogs and foxes, and then, only juvenile Devils.

The Tasmanian Devil has no natural predators.

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11y ago

Tasmanian devils are hunters and scavengers. They are nocturnal hunters and prey on live animals within their habitat at night time. They also forage for carrion, or the bodies of dead animals. Many Tasmanian devils feed on road kill, performing the very useful extra function of cleaning up the environment.

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12y ago

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal predators and scavengers, meaning they are active hunters and opportunistic eaters of carrion. They have very strong jaws and teeth for eating all the body parts of mammals up to the size of small wallabies.

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11y ago

Prey of the Tasmanian Devil includes small mammals up to the size of wallabies and wombats, as well as snakes, birds and fish.

Tasmanian devils tend to feed frequently on carrion, or the bodies of dead animals.

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11y ago

Tasmanian Devils live in Tasmania, the island state of Australia. Their habitat is coastal heath, open dry sclerophyll forest and mixed sclerophyll-rainforest.

Tasmanian Devils eat snakes, birds, rodents, lizards and wallabies. A lot of insects, larvae and especially carcasses or dead animal bodies are eaten by the Tasmanian devils. Mainly Tasmanian Devils eat whatever is available.

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11y ago

The Tasmanian devil's favourite foods tend to be things like carrion (decaying flesh of dead animals) and smallish mammals, as well as birds.

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12y ago

The Tasmanian Devil eats insects, mammals up to the size of a wombat, and carrion. They are both hunters and scavengers.

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15y ago

The devil is a scavenger, and will eat whatever it should find dead or be able to catch.

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Tasmanian devils are consumers because they do not produce their own food.

What do Tasmanian Devils do at night?

Tasmanian devils are nocturnal, so night time is when they hunt and scavenge for food.

Where does a Tasmanian devil get food?

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Why do dingoes eat Tasmanian Devils?

Dingoes do not eat Tasmanian devils. There are no dingoes on the Australian island of Tasmania, and there are no Tasmanian devils remaining on the Australian mainland. When the two species co-existed on the mainland, scientists do not believe that dingoes took on Tasmanian devils as predator to prey, but that the two species were competitors for food.

Are Tasmanian devils placental?

No. Tasmanian devils are marsupials.

How do Tasmanian devils play?

Tasmanian devils really aren't the playful sort. They are more interested in scavenging for food, defending their territory and avoiding people.

Do Tasmanian devils get along with other Tasmanian devils?

Tasmanian devils are solitary creatures and do not socialise with others of their species except for the purpose of reproduction. They are very territorial, however, and will fight over food. One of the reasons the Devil Facial Tumour Disease is such a problem is that it is transmitted by the Tasmanian devils biting each other.

Do Tasmanian devils breed?

Of course Tasmanian devils breed. If they didn't, there would be no Tasmanian devils left today. Tasmanian devils are mammals, which are vertebrates. All vertebrates breed.

Do Tasmanian devils Live in packs?

No. Tasmanian devils tend to be solitary animals.

Are Tasmanian devils amphibians or marsupials?

Tasmanian devils are marsupials of Australia.

Why do Tasmanian devils attack humans?

Tasmanian devils do not attack humans.

Can Tasmanian devils get sick?

Tasmanian devils can certainly get sick. Tasmanian Devils are threatened by a fatal form of cancer called Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) which is transmitted between Tasmanian devils by biting.