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The Muskogee Indians are also known as the Creek Indians. These are Native Americans that traditionally lived in the southeastern woodlands of the United States. According to the Creek Indian language, Alabama means tribal town.

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Q: What does the word Alabama mean in the creek language?
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Alabama got its name form the sticky black clay soil found there?

There are theories about how Alabama got its name, but one of them is not about the sticky black clay found there. Alabama is a Native American Indian word that means tribal town in Creek. Alabama also means plant cutters in the Choctaw Indian language.

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What language is Alabama name derived from?

I think you mean to ask from what language the name Alabama is derived. There was a native American tribe called the Alabama, but their tribal name may have been taken from another tribe, the Choctaw, from a phrase meaning "clearers of the thicket." You can find more on Wikipedia.

How do you say father in Muskogee creek language?

The word for father in Muskogee Creek is "atcΔ“," pronounced as "ah-tseh."

What is the native American meaning for Tuckesgee?

You mean Tuskegee, the name of a town near Montgomery, Alabama. It is claimed that the word is "from an Indian language and means warrior", without specifying which particular language. It is also claimed that Tuskegee had earlier been a town of the Creek tribe and that it was also the name of two different native tribes.All of this sounds very dubious and contrived, although Tuskegee is certainly recorded as a town of the Upper Creeks (Mvskoke). The word tuskegee does not appear in any modern Creek lexicons so its true meaning remains a mystery.

Where does the name Alabama come from?

The Alabama people were an indigenous people who inhabited the region when Europeans first settled it. The word 'Alabama' means 'human being' in their language, which is of the Muskogean language group.

Cayuga word for river?

In the Cayuga (Gayogoho:no') language, the common word for a creek, river or stream is gihęde.

What state did the siminole Indians come from brfore they came to Florida?

all of my ancestors are native American (seminole and creek) and don't take my word for it but ive heard thatseminoles were originally from Alabama and were also originally creek, then they separtated and called themselves seminole. im not positive though. as far as i know though my seminole ancestors are just from Florida and my creek ancestors are from Alabama.

Why is Alabama called Alabama?

The word Alabama is believed to have originated from the Choctaw language, and was later adopted by the Alabama tribe as their name. The tribe was a Muskogean speaking tribe.

What does the word creek mean?

A stream, a small body of flowing water.

What does the Creek word Cheaha mean?

it means peak or the highest point