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It is an important part of their royal heritage as it refers to the ancestry of their emperor, supposedly a descendent of the sun goddess in Japanese folk law, hence the "sun" on the Japanese flag.

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10y ago

It is a Japanese symbol for victory and good fortune, and has been for many centuries (since 700 AD), especially in military circles. It was already used on early samurai banners and it was depicted on the war flags of the Japanese army and navy before it became the symbol on the national flag. Also, the characters that make up the name "Japan" can also be read as "sun origin".

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11y ago

In anceint times, people belived that the sun rose in the east and went down in the west. Japan is considered the furthest east country in the far east region so it is where the sun rises from.

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7y ago

The nickname of Japan is based on the written symbols for the Japanese word Nihon/Nippon, which are "sun-origin.". The symbols come from ancient Chinese, where Japan, east of China, was in the direction of the rising sun.

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15y ago

For many centuries, the center of Asia was China. From China, Japan was the land of the rising sun, east of China. It became the name always used to refer to that country.

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10y ago

It refers to the heritage of their emperor, supposedly a descendent of the sun goddess in Japanese folk law, hence the "sun" on the Japanese flag

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Nippon is Japan. The characters represent the words Sun and origins. The region was dominated by China and they referred to Japan as the land of the rising Sun, because from their shores, that was what the islands were.

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The circle in the middle of the flag represents the sun. The white represents honesty and purity and the red disc is a sun symbol meaning brightness, sincerity and warmth. Japan's name translates to 'The land of the rising sun.'

What does the japnese flag represent?

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