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This phrase refers to the practice of keeping axes and other tools and supplies in the attic to chop a hole in the roof to climb out of a house in the event of a catastrophic flood, i.e., Hurricane Katrina.

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Q: What does the phrase axes in the attic mean to the people of new Orleans?
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Why would th people of new Orleans keep axes in the attics?

This phrase refers to the practice of keeping axes and other tools and supplies in the attic to chop a hole in the roof to climb out of a house in the event of a catastrophic flood, i.e., Hurricane Katrina.

Why would the people of new Orleans keep axes in the attics?

It is a precaution that people who live in flood risk areas take--keeping an axe handy in the attic-- so they can hack their way to the roof in case rising flood waters trap them under the eaves.

Why do people use axes?

To cut wood.

What tools did mesolithic people use?

Axes, bows and arrows, and spheres

How can you use axes in a sentence?

The axes

What weapons did people in the stone age use?

axes, sharpened sticks, arrows

What do aviators call the three axes?

Well the three axes for an airplane are known as the vertical axes (which governs the yaw of the plane), the Longitudinal axes (govenrs the roll of the plane), at the lateral axes (govenrs the pitch)

What kind of weapons did Paleolithic people have?

Paleolithic people used weapons made of stone. They had axes, spears and knives.

What weapons did people use in the Old Stone Age?

axes, sharpened sticks, arrows

What is the plural for axes?

The plural for of the noun of the noun ax (or axe) is axes.The plural possessive form is axes'.example: All of the axes' blades have been sharpened.

When the Cartesian coordinate system is used to describe three-dimensional space one needs three axes. These axes are typically called the and axes.?

x, y and z axes.

Why are the axes not located in any of the quadrants?

The axes create the quadrants.